Sunday, January 20, 2019

I started preparing for the confetti workshop that I will give in 2 weeks. Looking forward spending time with ladies of the Northern Ireland Quilting Guild. Today I sorted scraps of colours ( mixing the ‘paint ‘) while thinking of the quilts they were leftovers from.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Realistic Appliqué workshop in Galway: IPS Western Branch


15 April 2018:  Realistic Appliqué Workshop with ladies of Western Branch of the Irish Patchwork Society.  It is always wonderful to visit my own branch and to spend time with the members.

European Patchwork Meeting 2018, September. Alsace

The European Patchwork Meeting in St Marie aux Mines, Alscace in France is an experience not to be missed! I enjoyed every minute. Enjoying wonderful exhibitions, minding the lovely SAQA one and meeting new quilters, all over Europe. The scenery in the mountains is fabulous and the French fruit tarts and coffee, served by the local inhabitants of the quaint villages, something to remember.
My quilt ‘Winter Surprise ‘ was accepted in the ‘In the Course of the Seasons’ exhibition and awarded the Quiltmania prize!

Workshop in Dumfries, Scotland 2017.
A dream came true when I was invited by Solway Quilters to teach a workshop in Dumfries! I could travel to Scotland to teach my passion! It was a wonderful experience, teaching such eager to learn ladies. They were very hospitable and to give a talk about my work on the Friday night well received.

Birmingham Festival of Quilts 2018

What a wonderful experience it was to attend the European Festival of Quilts, this year.
To see so many beautiful quilts, was very inspirational.
What a highlight to see a ‘Highly Commended’ stuck to ‘FORTY SHADES OF GREEN’!!!